
The Sacred Light of Selenite

Author: admin Release time: 2023-06-06 23:32:01 View number: 3032

Selenite is a variety of gypsum that forms soft, translucent crystals with a pearly luster. It is named after Selene, the Greek lunar goddess, due to its celestial and sacred feminine energy. Selenite resonates at an extremely high vibration, activating the crown chakra and accessing angelic guidance. 

The meaning of selenite is spiritual illumination and conscious connection to the divine. It represents purity, tranquility, and timeless wisdom. Selenite helps calm an overactive mind and restore clarity of thought. It promotes openness, flexibility and release from beliefs that limit our greater truth.  

As a healing stone, selenite works to clear energy blockages, remove stagnation and balance the chakras. Placing selenite on any area of the body will purge congested or low vibrational energies and restore flow of light within the aura. Selenite wands perform aura and chakra cleansing. The powerful clearing effect of selenite also makes it ideal for recharging and uplifting other crystals. 

Meditating with selenite provides access to profound spiritual insights and guidance from angelic realms. It strengthens our connection to divine understanding beyond the limits of logical mind. Selenite illuminates the eternal light within and awakens remembrance of the soul’s celestial origins. 

Carrying or wearing selenite maintains open channels to higher wisdom and support. It is a reminder that we are infinite beings of light on an earthly journey. Selenite awakens awareness of our spiritual purpose and gifts in this lifetime.  

Heavenly and serene, selenite is a sacred ally for those seeking enlightenment and greater meaning. Its soft luminosity leaves traces of angel wings, a reminder we are never alone. Graceful muse of the mystic soul, selenite whispers of unity through light divine. 

Where selenite shines, the innermost mystery opens as a flower to the sun. Stairway between realms of light, selenite shows the way. Keeper of celestial flame, angelic healer, holder of the dove - your gifts are wisdom, truth and peace eternal from above. Luminous harvest of the moon, fair selenite, you are the stillness at the center of our turning world. Divine remembrance through your portals is unfurled.
