
Selenite: A Stone of Angelic Connection

Author: admin Release time: 2023-06-02 19:53:46 View number: 3146

Selenite is a form of gypsum that crystallizes into soft, translucent structures. It has a pearlescent sheen and prismatic geometry.  Selenite vibrates at an extremely high frequency and has a light, airy energy that resonates powerfully with the crown and higher chakras. 

Selenite is named after Selene, the Greek goddess of the moon, due to its strong lunar connection. It awakens intuition, spiritual awareness and access to angelic realms. Selenite helps calm an overactive mind and restore clarity of thought. It represents tranquility, purity and divine connection. The meaning of selenite is inner peace through truth and wisdom. 

As a healing stone, selenite works to remove energy blockages and activate the higher chakras. Placing selenite on any area of the body will clear stagnant or low vibrational energies and restore the healthy flow of life force. Selenite wands can also be used to perform an aura cleansing and chakra balancing. The powerful clearing effect of selenite makes it ideal for recharging and harmonizing other crystals.    

Meditating with selenite can provide profound insights into spiritual purpose and soul gifts. It helps strengthen our connection to angelic guidance so we may gain wisdom and knowledge from divine sources. Selenite gives access to the records of past, present and future, allowing us to tap into knowledge far beyond the limits of our logical mind.

Wearing or carrying selenite crystals helps maintain an open channel to higher guidance and support from angelic beings. It is a reminder of the light and truth within us that transcends the illusion of separateness. Selenite helps awaken conscious connection to the divine and realize our eternal spiritual nature.

Graceful and divinely connected, selenite remains one of the most sacred allies for awakening consciousness and nurturing the soul. Its celestial energy illuminates the pathway to profound inner peace, clarity and oneness with the light of spirit. Selenite leaves a trace of angel wings in its wake, a reminder we are never alone. 
